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Updated: Aug 22, 2023

This month we look at Jaime Freestone who first exhibited 10 years ago in LOUDEST WHISPERS with a beautiful headpiece made out of ethically resourced animal bone, feathers  embellished with stones, glass and objects transformed into a mythical tribal head. This was a sensation and we later showcased an entire collection in glass cabinets displaying over 20 headpieces. Jaime has regularly exhibited every themed opportunity we offer and we recall that after discovering  painting, canvases were stitched up  for THE SEWING CIRCLE. With growing skill and technique brings further explorations of abstractions and colour and as part of the family here at The Arts Project we look forward to what Jaime brings us next. He has also recieved  recent coverage in The World of Interiors magazine. 

We asked Jaime these questions and provide links to various websites for more detail and information.

Tell us something about yourself?

I’m not scared to try new things and to push myself out of my own creative boxes. I love to break away from things I have done and to try things I haven’t explored. I’m not precious when it comes to making art, rarely scared to sacrifice a ‘good painting’ over potentially creating an even more exciting one. At this stage in my art career I feel it is essential for me to explore, to keep being playful, approaching art making with unexplored techniques and different materials. With this approach it helps to keep the art making process exciting and fresh which is fundamental when making work.

What Inspires You?

The world is a beautiful place and full of incredible things. I love to make art in response to all of the things that make me feel alive including energy from people, music, art and nature. My art making is a personal reaction to  weird and wonderful things in this world as i find Art a place to process personal feelings as well as creating a safe place to escape into. It is a world where I’m the boss and get to say what does and doesn’t happen and  I genuinely believe if more people explored inner creativity the world would be a better place.

What Does Your Art Mean to You?

Art has been with me since I was  a small child although taking a break away, I rediscovering my art after deciding to walk away from a career in hairdressing.

On my artistic adventures I have been fortunate to meet many talented and interesting people, some becoming friends of the heart. Art has been there in my happy times and in my darkest  moments. It has allowed me a space to play, find my own voice and process the things that life throws at me. Let’s just say Art has helped bring out the best in me, it has helped me grow while learning so much about myself and the world around me. I feel that art is so interconnected into my life, that I wouldn’t be myself without it.

Thank you Jaime for being our ARTIST OF THE MONTH

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